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Alibaba Global Gold Supplier Logo - Gold supplier badge alibaba

Become an Alibaba
Gold Supplier

  • Access to 30+ million buyers

  • Unlimited Product Posting

  • Use RFQ’s to reach buyers proactively

  • Minisite design

  • Keyword Advertising tools

  • Product Showcases

  • Effective Business tools

Alibaba gold supplier benefits - Advantage of Gold Membership
What is Alibaba Gold Supplier?-  Alibaba GGS Membership?

What is Alibaba Gold Supplier?

Alibaba Gold Supplier is a Premium membership (Paid service) for Suppliers to sell their products on It provides an extensive number of promotional opportunities to suppliers so they can maximize their exposure and return-on-investment. As we are Alibaba Global Partner in Pakistan, so we can offer you this Premium membership service in Pakistan.

To become a Gold Supplier on a Supplier need to have a registered company in Pakistan and Computer Xperts will get your business verified from and then you can become a Gold Supplier on Once approved, Gold Suppliers can access all the benefits of Gold Membership and start posting their products on Alibaba.

Computer Xperts is an official partner of Alibaba in Sialkot, Pakistan. We are one of the oldest and most reliable Global Service partners to Help local small and medium businesses to grow their exports and gain access to the world's most prominent hub of B2B markets.

Why become an Alibaba Gold Supplier?

Access to 30+ million buyers - Alibaba Gold Supplier Feature

Access to 30+ million
buyers has millions of registered buyers from 194+ countries on its platform who are ready to purchase your products. With Alibaba Gold membership you can reach these millions of business buyers throughout the world and get your products in front of these 30million+ active buyers who make 280,000+ inquiries daily from different corners of the world.

Unlimited Product Posting - Alibaba Gold Package's Premium Feature

Unlimited Product

If you become a Gold Supplier, you can post unlimited products on and get unlimited inquiries from unlimited buyers. It’s important to post as many products on Alibaba as possible because having more products on Alibaba will increase your chances of showing up in buyers’ search results. This means you will get more exposure and more customers.

Use RFQ’s( Request For Quotation) to reach buyers proactively - Global Gold Supplier

Use RFQ’s to reach
buyers proactively

A Request for Quotation (RFQ) is a buying request submitted by a buyer and open to suppliers for submitting quotations. If you are a Gold Supplier, you don’t need to wait for buyers to come to you – you can proactively find your buyers using the RFQ platform provided by to Gold Suppliers. You can simply type in your product name and you can find buyers who are looking for products like yours and then you can submit the quotations to those buyers directly. It is only available to Gold Suppliers and is the best way to get more business easily.

Alibaba Customize Minisite Design - Gold Supplier Storefront


Once you become a Gold Supplier, you also get access to a multi-page storefront called Minisite that is dedicated entirely to your business. You can display different categories of your business and share your company information to help your brand stand out. Above all, your Minisite is a very powerful asset because customers from all over the world can find it and see your brand and products in 18 different languages. Go to our Minisite section to view some examples of Alibaba minisites we have built.

Alibaba Keyword Advertising tools - Precision Marketing Service

Advertising tools

Alibaba Gold Suppliers also get access to Keyword Advertising and other Marketing tools that help them find the right buyers for their products and market directly to those buyers. With the help of Keyword Advertising (KWA) a Gold Supplier can display their products among the top 5 search results whenever a buyer types in their product keyword. This feature will increase the Product exposure and number of inquiries for the seller. Rank your products among the top results with the use of KWA.

Alibaba Product Showcases - Elegant Wholesale Showcase for Products Display


Product Showcases is a very important function for Alibaba Gold Supplier members. With the help of Product showcases, they can promote their top products and get 4.3 times more exposure than normal products. The best example of Product Showcase is like a Shop window in a physical store. Different Gold Supplier packages have different number of showcase products. Try to use as much Product Showcases as possible so you can promote your best products.

Effective Business Tools - Alibaba Gold Supplier

Business tools

Other than all above mentioned benefits of Alibaba Gold Supplier, you can also get access to Analytics tool, Sub-accounts, one-to-one support and learning resources. Analytics tool can give you insider knowledge about your industry and market trends. Being a Gold Supplier, you can get 5 sub-accounts to manage your business more efficiently. With one-to-one support, Xperts will give you a dedicated Account manager who will be available to support you 24/7 and answer all of your queries. Moreover, you can also access the learning center and participate in different online courses and Alibaba workshops to stay on top of your industry.

Alibaba Gold Supplier Packages

Alibaba Gold Supplier Packages - Choose an Seller Plan

Why Choose Computer Xperts as your business partner?

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